Frequently Asked Questions


Applying to Catz

Can I come and look around the College before I apply?


Prospective graduate students are welcome to visit the College. Please email if you would like a tour.

When will I hear about the outcome of my application to St Catherine's College?


After submitting your application, it usually takes 8 to 10 weeks after your department makes you an offer to find out which college will offer you a place, although it can sometimes take longer. If Catz is able to offer you a place, we will contact you via email. Our offer letter will explain what you need to do in order to confirm your place.

Where can I find advice tailored to international applicants?


The university website has information relevant to international applicants, including details about visa requirements for studying at St Catherine’s and Oxford University from the student immigration team. There is also advice tailored to students applying to study part-time.


Does Catz have any en-suite rooms?

  • We have 78 single rooms with en-suite facilities located on the main College site. These rooms are grouped on staircases in the traditional Oxford manner, each floor having its own mini-kitchen.
  • Note that all of our en-suite rooms are located on the main college site and tend to be oversubscribed. At St Catherine’s House, rooms are arranged in clusters of 3, 5 or 6 rooms with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities.
  • We cannot guarantee that you will be allocated en-suite accommodation but our accommodation manager will do their best to accommodate your preferences. If you have a disability, medical or religious requirement for an en-suite room, you can contact our accommodation manager to request an en-suite room.

How long do contracts last?


There are two different contract lengths available for graduate students: 265-day contracts and 350-day contracts. The 350-day contracts are only available at St Catherine’s house on Bath Street.

All contracts will start on the Sunday of  0th week, Michaelmas Term, which is the official move in day.

Graduate accommodation contracts run throughout the winter and spring vacations, so you do not need to move out over these breaks. If you are on a 265-day contract you can apply at the end of trinity term for a summer extension. Be aware: you may be moved to St Catherine’s House in order to take up vacation residence. Summer extensions will also be subject to annual rent increase. The 350-day contracts are not subject to these rent increases.

Does Catz offer accommodation for couples or families?


Unfortunately, we do not currently offer accommodation for couples or families. If you require such accommodation, we suggest you contact the University’s Graduate Accommodation Office, which lets rooms, flats and houses in and around Oxford City Centre.

When will College accommodation be allocated?


College accommodation will be allocated in mid-July. When allocating accommodation, priority is given to those coming to the College from the greatest distance and therefore likely to experience difficulties in the local accommodation market.

If I am offered accommodation, would I be allocated a room on-site or off-site?


We have accommodation for graduate students on the main site at St Catherine’s College and additional accommodation at St Catherine’s House on Bath Street, which is a 10 minute walk from the main college site. Rooms are allocated by our accommodation manager and you will find out which type of accommodation you have been allocated in August before signing your residential agreement.

If you wish to apply for an extended 350 day contract these are only available at St Catherine’s House on Bath Street.

How much is the rent for accommodation and what does rent include?


Rooms are billed termly. We have a flat charge for accommodation, so all rooms are charged at the same rate regardless of whether they have en-suite or shared facilities. Rent includes all utilities. St Catherine’s College sets its room charges on the basis of annual discussions between representatives of Common Rooms and College Officers. Those discussions focus on a full review of the actual costs of running the residential side of the College’s operation and an assessment as to how those costs might fall or increase between the point at which those discussions take place (usually just after Christmas) and the next academic year.

The charges for the 2025/26 academic year have not yet been finalised but in 2024/25 rates were approximately £183 per week (£26.18 per day).

You will be sent an invoice to pay for accommodation and course fees at the beginning of 0th week. This will be detailed in your offer letter.

Can I request a specific room?


Other than where specific medical requirements need to be met, all rooms are allocated randomly. Out of fairness to all we do not process preference requests.

Should I also apply for University accommodation?


As College accommodation is not guaranteed, we strongly recommend that you also apply for University accommodation. More information can be found on the Graduate Accommodation Office website.

You can also check the Oxford Student Pad for student union vetted landlords and housing, as well as advice from current students.

There is also a wide range of private student accommodation in Oxford that is worth researching.



Financial Declaration Forms, Bursaries & Scholarships

I’m self-funding my degree – what sort of supporting evidence should I provide?


If you plan to self-finance your degree, we will need to see proof of the funds – this can be in the form of a letter from a bank or accountant, or a recent bank statement clearly showing the funds available and your name as the account holder.

More information about the Financial Declaration can be found here.

I’m being funded by a family member – what sort of supporting evidence should I provide?


If your degree is being financed by a family member, we will need to see proof of the funds – this can be in the form of a letter from a bank or accountant, or a recent bank statement clearly showing the funds available. You will also need to provide a signed letter from that family member, confirming that they are happy to finance your degree.

More information about the Financial Declaration can be found here.

Are there any scholarships available?


Catz offers several graduate scholarships. Please consult the Student Finance and Scholarships section for more information. For details about what scholarships are available, please use the fees and funding scholarship search on the university website. Details about scholarships available at St Catherine’s college, as well as information on how to apply, are also available in the Student Finance and Scholarships section.

Does Catz offer any bursaries for current students?


Catz offers limited bursaries for on-course graduates. These include a Graduate Research Expenses Fund and a Student Support Scheme (for changes in financial circumstances). More information can be found here.

Can graduates earn money to help fund their studies whilst in Oxford?


The University allows graduates to undertake a limited amount of paid work during your degree. It is recommended that full-time graduates undertake no more than 8 hours’ paid work per week whilst studying. Applicants should therefore not expect to be able to support themselves through paid work while studying, and the College cannot accept the intention of finding a job as proof of funding for a degree course. Full University guidelines can be found here.

Students should also check the conditions of their visa, as there may be a limit as to how much you can work.

Arriving in Oxford

When do I need to arrive in Oxford?


Please consult your departmental offer letter for information on your course start date.

For students arriving in September/October, there are induction and social events in the first week of October. A timetable for freshers week will be published close to the start of Michaelmas term.

How early can I move in to accommodation?


The official move in date is the Sunday of 0th week Michaelmas Term.

If you need early arrival you can request to move in one day before your course start date (for example, if your course starts on the 30th September, you can move in on the 29th) or to allow for travel plans/difficulties securing flight times you can usually move in a few days before the official move in day.

Please email the admissions office to request an early move in date.

Early move in days are counted as ‘vacation residence’ and are billed accordingly. All contracts will start on Sunday 0th week. The rate for these days are usually the same as term time.

Can I post my luggage to College in advance of my arrival?


Unfortunately, you cannot ship luggage to the College in advance – we do not have sufficient space to store boxes prior to students’ arrival.


What costs are associated with being part of St Catherine's college?

  • You will be required to pay a college membership fee.
  • You may also wish to pay to eat in hall.
  • All members of St Catherine’s College have access to the college gym free of charge.

What is the process for registration and enrolment?

  • Please consult the university website for details about registration, including when you need to register, how to register as a new student, the registration process and how to get access to the university’s IT services.
  • Once you have completed your registration and once the University Card Office have sent us your university card, you will be able to book an appointment with the admissions office at St Catherine’s in order to complete your enrolment. We require you to visit us in person to complete enrolment, and we must see original identity documents and visas as appropriate. There is also a day during freshers week dedicated to the completion of enrolment.
  • Note that if you are a part-time or distance learning student and/or will not be arriving in Oxford by October of the academic year, you need to email to request permission for an appointment on an alternative date

What is matriculation?

  • After arriving in Oxford, most students will formally join the university and St Catherine’s College in a ceremony called matriculation. Matriculation is a ceremony which confers membership of the University on students at the start of their time in Oxford University in October. Students are required to wear special academic dress called ‘sub fusc’.
  • Most students are required to attend matriculation, though there are some exemptions. Please note that it is your responsibility to check the university webpage for details and rules about matriculation.
  • Please email if you are exempt and/or unable to attend matriculation, stating the reason why, and we will confirm that your exemption is valid and explain alternative arrangements.

What is the MCR?


The Middle Common Room (MCR) is the postgraduate community of St. Catherine’s College, which is part of the University of Oxford. Whether you’re interested in studying at St. Catherine’s College, are already studying here and want to discover how we can support you, or would simply like to find out more about us, this is the place for you.

What do I need to know before I arrive in Oxford?


Please consult the university website for information about arriving in Oxford.

I am a new student; how do I get access to IT services?

  • If you are a new student, once you have returned your signed contract to the University, you will be sent your IT activation code and log-in details by email (please note that this may take several days). Your Single Sign On is your access to a range of IT services, including your University email account.
  • Once you have access to IT, you can also log in to your student self-service; please consult the university website for information about self service and answers to frequently asked questions.