Third Year Student Launches Youth Law Journal
Josh Tray (2016, Law) is the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the YLJ (Youth Law Journal), an online legal and political journal launched nearly four years ago with the aim of providing a platform for writers to express their views on big topics in a way to get readers thinking, and engaging a wider audience in discussions of legal and political issues that have previously been expert-oriented.
Previously a solely online platform, the YLJ was recently launched as a physical publication for the first time. With a team of over forty student writers as well as high-profile contributors from the legal and political profession, including politician Nicky Morgan, celebrity defence lawyer Nick Freeman, and politician, academic and journalist Lord Andrew Adonis, the publication includes articles covering a wide range of topics from the legal and political sphere.
Josh told us: “I co-founded The YLJ whilst at sixth form, as an online collection of articles on legal topics aimed at non-expert readers. This was in an attempt to provide accessible information to a demographic usually left out of debates in this area. After three years of expansion we had writers from schools and universities around the country as well as writers of significant standing in the worlds of law and politics. Over the summer we decided to collate our favourites of these, alongside some specially written articles, to produce our first edition hard copy magazine which was circulated around Oxbridge earlier this term. We’re very happy with the result.”
In this first edition of the YLJ magazine, as well as serving as Editor-in-Chief, Josh contributed his own article ‘Sky is the Limit for Murdoch – A brief overview of Comcast’s acquisition of Sky UK’. You can read this, and other articles, by visiting, where you can also download a copy of the magazine.