
St Catz Alumni recognised in New Year Honours

Three members of the St Catherine’s community have been recognised in the 2018 New Year’s Honours list.

For services to the Energy Sector, Joanna Coleman (1986, Engineering) has been awarded an OBE. In her role as Director of Strategy for the Energy Technologies Institute, Jo has been committed to her work in the field of low carbon technology and innovation.

Commenting on her award, she said: “I am astonished, delighted and deeply, deeply honoured to receive this award. I have had a fantastic six and a half years working at the ETI with some amazing and talented people. Progress in engineering, innovation and complex systems is almost always made by teams rather than individuals and the ETI is a great example of this. This award reflects the hard work and determination of everyone who has worked at the ETI, our project partners, members and advisors, but none more so than our dearly departed former Chief Executive Dr David Clarke whose leadership and vision inspired us all.”

Jonathan Wills, CEO at the ETI, said: “This award is a fitting recognition for her unwavering vision and passion, and her commitment to the industry sets an example for the next generation of engineers.”

Professor Mark Miodownik (1988, Metallurgy) was awarded an MBE for his services to Science, Engineering and  Broadcasting. Mark is Professor of Materials Science at University College London, where his research, carried out in collaboration with industry, hospitals and charities, includes animate matter, smart materials, and novel manufacturing methods. Mark also presents accessible science TV programmes for the BBC.

Of the award, Mark commented: “I feel amazed and honoured to have my work recognised by the Queen. It would not have been possible without the brilliant support of all my colleagues at UCL Engineering.”

Head of Department at UCL Mechanical Engineering, Professor Yiannis Ventikos, said: “It is a much deserved honour for a lifetime of extraordinary achievement in engineering and in communicating the wonders of engineering and materials science to the general public. The value of these contributions by Mark, especially at this time, is immense and is justly celebrated.”

Finally, Domus Fellow Lord Melvyn Bragg has been recognised for his long-standing services to Broadcasting and the Arts. Lord Bragg was made a Companion of Honour, an award reserved for those that have made a major contribution to the arts, science, medicine, or government lasting over a long period of time.