
RAAC at St Catherine’s College

St Catherine’s College has restricted access to areas as a precautionary measure owing to safety concerns around the use of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).

St Catherine’s College is aware of the recent issues that have come to light in the media regarding the use of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in buildings, following its reported failure in a small number of education settings. As with many buildings constructed in the 1960s, the College uses RAAC in certain areas of its site. Given this, the College has recently engaged independent consultants to undertake appropriate risk assessments of the affected areas, which are principally located within the original Arne Jacobsen site. While these investigations are ongoing, the College has decided to restrict access to the affected areas temporarily, to enable investigations and assessments to take place, and mitigations to be put in place. We will keep the restrictions under continuous review with the expectation of lifting restrictions prior to the arrival of students in October.