I give courses in Casting, Powder Processing and Engineering Alloys in the Department of Materials.
About me
I received a BEng in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Nottingham University in 1987 and a DPhil in Materials from Oxford University in 1991. After holding a Royal Society University Research Fellowship and then Lectureship in the Department of Materials, Oxford University, I became Vesuvius Professor of Materials in 2004, when I joined St Catz. I am a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM) and I was elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2010 (FREng).
I was one of the founding academics of the Begbroke Science Park at Oxford University, now a major regional and international hub for innovation and close industry-university collaboration. I am currently the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, and a non-executive director of Oxford University Innovation.
My research takes place at the interface between advanced materials and manufacturing. Particular applications include electrodes for energy storage and advanced metallics for power generation. Many of my research projects are concerned with solidification behaviour in complex alloys, and/or the use of liquid metal, ceramic or polymer droplet and powder sprays to create unusual materials. My group works closely with industry and has many specialised synthesis and fabrication facilities, most of which are based at Oxford University’s Begbroke Science Park.
Graduate Supervision
My research group typically contains eight doctoral students under my supervision, and in total, 26 doctoral and 15 masters’ students have graduated from the group.