For seven years I have tutored a range of topics to undergraduates at St Catherine’s, focussed on fundamentals such as kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry and also applied materials problems such as corrosion and surfaces/interfaces.
About me
After my Master in Chemical Physics degree from Edinburgh, I undertook a DPhil with the atom probe group at Oxford Materials. Following postdoctoral work on gas-surface interfaces at Heriot-Watt, I returned to Oxford in 2010 as a Departmental Lecturer, during which time I was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Secondment with Rolls-Royce plc. In my current role as Atom Probe Scientist, I lead operations of the Oxford Atom Probe group (atomprobe.materials.ox.ac.uk) and oversee outreach with industrial and academic partners.
The Oxford Atom Probe group investigates a particularly diverse range of materials, using advanced instrumentation to characterise the atomic-scale chemistry and structure of materials used in applications such as nuclear fission/fusion, advanced engineering steels, aerospace alloys, semi-conductors, heterogeneous catalysts and even geological samples. I also have particular interest in developing new instrumentation for atom probes, and for combining insights with other complementary techniques. I work with industrial partners around the world, including Rolls-Royce plc and NNL in the UK.
Graduate teaching
I supervise a number of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, training them to use atom probe methods to assist with their research goals.