What course do you study, and why did you choose it?
I’m currently in my 4th year of studying (Molecular & Cellular) Biochemistry and have loved every year of it so far! I’ve always enjoyed both Biology and Chemistry at school, however felt that they were taught very separately, which was often confusing given their routine overlap. Biochemistry at Oxford, allows you to study extremely interesting topics, where an understanding of chemistry is used to explain biological processes and essentially reveal how life comes to be. I was eager to study a degree which allows me to combine my two favourite subjects and put it in practice through the many practical elements, including an entire lab placement during 4th year, which really excited me.
What do you do in your spare time? Do you take part in any societies or sports?
My favourite part about St Catz is the bustling social life, which I have been extremely involved in, helping organise many events such as ‘Entz’ (fortnightly college parties), and other charitable nights such as quizzes and ‘Take Me Out’. In addition I work behind the college bar, which is extremely nice as I get to interact with people from all different years and help foster the friendly environment I know and love at Catz. There are also so many societies at Catz which allows you to always find your niche – I was captain of Mixed Lacrosse and Rounders, as well as Biochemistry Society, which were all super great ways to meet other people in Catz. Catz also has its own squash courts, so me and my mates would always play!
Why did you choose St Catz? Did it meet your expectations?
I actually originally applied to another college, but was pooled to Catz. However this was the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me! I have LOVED my time at Catz and it has given me so many opportunities to thrive and make the best friends. It has the largest undergraduate student body and allows you to usually live in for 3 years, which means that everyone knows each other and the student environment is extremely friendly. It is also really diverse and has a focus on welfare which I think is extremely important.
What advice would you give prospective students/freshers?
To prospective students: apply! Don’t ever doubt yourself or think you are not good enough – there is no loss in applying and you might as well give it a go! Also for those who are thinking everyone just works really hard and you can’t have fun that is definitely not true – especially at Catz!
To freshers: Be yourself! Don’t try and reinvent yourself after school – you won’t be happy. Catz is such a large college that you will find your crowd and you will make friends!
What are you hoping to do after you graduate?
Having worked hard for 4 years, I cannot wait to take a year off and go travelling and explore the world! After that I hope to move to a city (I’ve lived on a farm and then Oxford my whole life) and join the working world, in a career which is both exciting and drives me!
What is your favourite part of life at St Catz?
Everyone is so friendly; from your peers, to your tutors, to the kitchen staff, to the porters – everyone makes you feel so welcome and it really makes your time here the best!