
Mark Miodownik hosts Plastic Fantastic

Catz alumnus Professor Mark Miodownik (1988, Metallurgy) has launched a new three-part series on BBC Radio 4, exploring our love-hate relationship with plastic, why we have ended up with oceans of waste blighting the envornment, and what science and society can do about it.

Plastic Fantastic kicked off on 15th May 2018 with an episode that saw Mark looking back at our earliest use of plastic, and tracing how it began to change our world – both for better, and worse.

Mark is Professor of Materials Science at University College London, where his research includes animate matter, smart materials, and novel manufacturing methods. He is also known for his broadcasting and outreach work in the science and engineering sector. You can catch up on the first episode of Plastic Fantastic, and find out more about the entire series, here.