
Catz to play Women’s Rugby Cuppers Final

On Sunday 7thMay, St Catz will play with Worcester against Corpus Christi Cluster 4 at the Women’s Cup Final. Catz players include co-captain Florence Baker Masters, Maddy Kawalenko, Maria Watt, Sylvia Greene and Daisy Connolly. Please come out and support them with a big Catz presence!

The details are as follows:

Iffley Road will host the finals of the 2023 Cuppers Competitions, schedule for the day is below. Entry is free, the Pavilion Bar will be open from 12noon, and the OURFC players will be running a student bar and BBQ.

1200 Men’s Bowl Final: Queen’s v Christ Church

1400 Men’s Plate Final: Pembroke v Worcester

1600 Women’s Cup Final: Catz/Worcester Cluster 3 v Corpus Christi Cluster 4

1800 Men’s Cup Final: St Edmund Hall v St Anne’s/St John’s